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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/23/24 in all areas

  1. Just wanted to try the CErver! [: Really excited to be part of the Beta and work on all of this together as a whole! Names Snorlax, played a bunch of different servers over the years of growing up. I have extensive pvm achievements on OSRS, so testing out how servers do their raids/bosses always excite me since sometimes its different! Haven't touched much of the server yet just getting up the stats to boss!
    2 points
  2. Welcome to server Snorlax, I am a PvM noob but hope to change that with this server. Excited to see how you put to use that double torso pull. Thanks for making a post, motivated me to make a forums acc and maybe i'll conjure a welcome post myself.
    2 points
  3. Hey everyone, I'm Woods, my real name is Ethan, you may call me either as you get to know me on the server. I'm 24 years old (1999), I used to play football (soccer), now I typically just go to the gym as I'm a University student studying Computer Science that's about as much as there is to do in my spare time other than study lol, oh, and of course play CErver! 😄 I've always been brought up on RuneScape, I started around 2007-2008, ever since the evolution of combat that's around the time frame of me seeking out private servers. I'm not the best of players even on OSRS, however I do have a group iron-man with one of my in real life best mates, and that's an absolute blast of fun only until I get burnt out of RuneScape for around 6 months time lol. Anyways, I'm happy to have found this server, hope to see you guys in-game.
    1 point
  4. Welcome to the CErver Snorlax, I've seen you around in-game, likewise we are both new, hope to keep seeing you around and having a good time in-game! 😄 Regards,
    1 point
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