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Posts posted by Woods

  1. Hey everyone,

    I'm Woods, my real name is Ethan, you may call me either as you get to know me on the server. I'm 24 years old (1999), I used to play football (soccer), now I typically just go to the gym as I'm a University student studying Computer Science that's about as much as there is to do in my spare time other than study lol, oh, and of course play CErver! 😄 

    I've always been brought up on RuneScape, I started around 2007-2008, ever since the evolution of combat that's around the time frame of me seeking out private servers. I'm not the best of players even on OSRS, however I do have a group iron-man with one of my in real life best mates, and that's an absolute blast of fun only until I get burnt out of RuneScape for around 6 months time lol.

    Anyways, I'm happy to have found this server, hope to see you guys in-game. 

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