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Discord Server | Rules and Regulations

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🔹 Discord | Rules and Regulations 🔹


logoSprite.png Common Courtesy (Spamming)

  • The in-game server, forums and discord requires all guests, members and staff to show a standard of Common Courtesy to others. This includes, but is not limited to spamming, purposeful crashing, or intentionally baiting someone on any platform.

First Offence: Warning | Second Offence: 24H Mute | Third Offence: Permanent Ban


logoSprite.png Inappropriate Language, Content or Harassment

  • There is a zero tolerance for harassment toward other individuals, especially based upon sexual preferences, personal or religious beliefs, gender or race. Language that may be considered offensive, racist or otherwise inappropriate should not be used in chats or usernames.

First Offence: Warning | Second Offence: 24H Mute | Third Offence: 72H Mute, Permanent Mute or Ban


logoSprite.png Advertising or Server Recruiting

  • There is a zero tolerance for advertisement or encouragement to join other servers on any platform owned and operated by The CErver. This includes, but is not limited to In-Game, Forums or Discord.

First Offence: 24H Mute | Second Offence: 72H Mute, Permanent Mute or Ban


logoSprite.png Threats

  • All guests, players and staff should feel safe and welcome at all times. We will hold a zero tolerance for any threats made against another individual including those without physical harm for example, "DDOS" threats.

First Offence: Permanent IP Ban


logoSprite.png Encouraging others to break rules

  • Anyone who encourages someone to break a rule or rules will be treated as if they committed the offense themselves and will be punished as if they are the one breaking the rule.

Any Offence: Punishment will be issued depending on severity of the situation


logoSprite.png RSPS/Malicious Invites

  • Sending other RSPS server invites as well as Malicious Discord server invites that promote rule breaking is NOT tolerated. Only The CErver or non RSPS related invites are allowed.

First Offence: Permanent Discord Ban

logoSprite.png Misleading Links


  • Any link you send a member or post publicly must direct you to what it appears as. No link spoofing or redirect links are allowed. We will automatically assume you are up to no good if you do so.

First Offence: Permanent Discord Ban


logoSprite.png Impersonation

  • Impersonating any member of our community rather it be for entertainment, monetary gain, persuasion, etc. will NOT be tolerated. Impersonation of staff will automatically be escalated to a 2nd Offense.

First Offence: Permanent Discord Ban

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