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🔸 Forums | Rules and Regulations 🔸


logoSprite.png System Security, Penetration Testing, and Exploiting

  • Attempting to exploit and penetrate the security measures of The CErver software, hardware, or any other devices used by our users or operations of the overall system will be punished.
  • The CErver Management takes the website and our player's security extremely seriously. Therefore, any attempt to breach The CErver or the players of The CErver's security will not be taken lightly. If any exploits are found, please submit them to Huntley. 

First Offense: Permanent IP Ban



logoSprite.png Common Courtesy (Spamming)

  • The in-game server, forums and discord requires all guests, members and staff to show a standard of Common Courtesy to others. This includes but not limited to spamming, purposeful crashing, or intentionally baiting someone on any platform.  

First Offense: 1 Day restricted posting | Second Offense: 3 Days of restricted posting  | Third Offense: Permanent restricted posting



logoSprite.png Inappropriate Language, Inappropriate Content or Player Harassment

  • There is a zero tolerance for harassment toward other individuals especially based upon sexual preferences, personal or religious beliefs, gender or race. Language that may be considered offensive, racist or otherwise inappropriate should not be used in chats or usernames.

First Offense: Forum Warning | Second Offense: 1 Day restricted posting | Third Offense: 3 Days of restricted posting | Fourth Offense: Permanent restricted posting


logoSprite.png Advertising or Discussion of Other Servers

  • There is a zero tolerance for advertisement or discussions of other servers on any platform owned and operated by The CErver.  This includes but not limited to In-game, Forums or Discord.

First Offense: 3 Days of restricted posting | Second Offense: Permanent restricted posting  | Third Offense: Permanent Ban



logoSprite.png  Threats 

  • All guests, players and staff should feel safe and welcome at all times. We will hold a zero tolerance for any threats made against another individual including those without physical harm for example "DDOS" threats. 

 First Offense: Permanent Ban

logoSprite.png  Encouraging others to break rules 

  • Anyone who encourages someone to break a rule or rules will be treated as if they committed the offense themselves and will be punished as if they are the one breaking the rule. 

Any Offense: Punishment will be issued depending on severity of the situation


logoSprite.png  Impersonation

  • Impersonating any member of our community rather it be for entertainment, monetary gain, persuasion, etc. will NOT be tolerated. Impersonation of staff will automatically be escalated to a Second Offense.

First Offense: Permanent restricted posting  | Second Offense: Permanent Ban



logoSprite.png  RSPS/Malicious Invites

  • Sending other RSPS server invites as well as Malicious Discord server invites that promote rule breaking is NOT tolerated. Only The CErver or non RSPS related invites are allowed. 

First Offense: Permanent Ban



logoSprite.png  Misleading Links

  • Any link you send a member or post publicly must direct you to what it appears as. No link spoofing or redirect links are allowed. We will automatically assume you are up to no good if you do so.

First Offense: Permanent Ban



logoSprite.png  Spamming

  • Posts that do not contribute to the topic of the thread or any relevant conversation being held within the thread are considered spam. Clarification of the rule can be seen below.
    • Posts that consists of pieces of content, that in specific, do not contribute to the post in a relative manner will be considered spam and a warning or infraction will be given per staff's discretion.
    • Grave digging is not allowed and consists of reviving a previously resolved, settled, or "dead" thread after a prolonged period of time. Threads with an activity gap of a month or greater shall be considered "grave-digging”.
    • Topic bumping must be done with the provided topic bumping feature. Topics shall be bumped no more than once every 12 hours.
    • Posts that do not contribute to the topic of the thread or any relevant conversation (regarding the topic) being held within the thread are considered spam.
    •  Habitual offenders CAN lose posting privileges

First Offense: Forum Warning | Second Offense: 1 Day restricted posting | Third Offense: 3 Days of restricted posting | Fourth Offense: Permanent restricted posting



logoSprite.png  Signature and Profiles

  • All signatures, profile content, and profile pictures MUST be appropriate and follow all Server Rules. (e.g No advertisement, nude photos, racism etc.)

First Offense: Signature removal | Second Offense: Signature ban  



logoSprite.png  Abuse of ::link

  • Users may link their game account to any account owned by themselves or a family member in their household.
  • Users may only link 3 in-game accounts. These accounts can only be removed by using ::unlink in-game so do not give your code to anyone you do not trust. You are fully responsible for your code.
  • If found abusing the unlink and link features, all players involved will be subject to punishment at Management discretion.

First Offense: Management decision



Depending on the severity of the rule broken, The CErver team reserves the right to change or modify ANY of the rules listed above without notice.

Punishments outlined within are general guidelines. Severity of the offense directly correlates to the severity of punishment.

For more information about the Warning Point System, please click here.

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Rule update:

  • Added "Abuse of ::link".
  • Added "Punishments outlined within are general guidelines. Severity of the offense directly correlates to the severity of punishment."

Abuse of ::link

  • Users may link their game account to any account owned by themselves or a family member in their household.
  • Users may only link 3 in-game accounts. These accounts can only be removed by using ::unlink in-game so do not give your code to anyone you do not trust. You are fully responsible for your code.
  • If found abusing the unlink and link features, all players involved will be subject to punishment at Management discretion.

First Offense: Management decision




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The CErver Management

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